by Vickie
El Rio |
El Tinaco |
So, when it rains here, the river floods, causing the latrines and underground systems to overflow, contaminating the water source. The water that normally runs through the tubes to gigantic black plastic containers on the rooftops- tinacos - is shut off because "El agua esta sucio." (The water is dirty -- and by dirty, they mean full of poop.)
So, it has been raining for two days.
La Tuberia |
This morning before 6:00, Roberto, Maria's husband was up, had found a guagua-ita (little truck) to haul buckets and 5 gallon containers of water to the house for bathing, cooking, and cleaning. He pulled up and unloaded the water. Gloria - the doña - or female head of the household (his mother-in-law) dragged the water down to the bathroom for us to use for bucket baths and flushing the toilet.
Flushing the toilet with water is an art form. You need just the right amount of water: too much - a geyser; too little - no results. AND, you have to aim for the hole with just the right amount of force: too much -- a geyser; too little - no results.
Gloria |
While I'm worrying about flushing the toilet, Gloria has made our breakfast, washed up after our breakfast, gotten ready for work - nice dress and heels -- flagged a moto concho and headed off to the campo for work, from 8-12, where she is a teacher supervisor. She'll be home to fix our lunch, clean up after our lunch -- which is the big, hot meal of the day with rice, beans, meat, vegetables, and fruit. Once or twice a week she does our laundry out back with a sort of wringer-washer thing. Then, back to work for the afternoon session which runs from 2-6.
In the end it's all about the water.